Looking for more information on hangyakusei million arthur? Hangyakusei million arthur depicts a lighter comedic story than the original game it is based on. With an overabundance of "worthy" dignitaries, six arthurs go to england to defeat the corrupt leadership that plagues the world. Million arthur is a 2018 anime series that serves as part of a media franchise by square enix. The legendary sword "excalibur" weighs and measures all. Crunchyroll Tv Anime Han Gyaku Sei Million Arthur Reveals Its 12 Main Character Visuals from img1.ak.crunchyroll.com Find out more on soulreaperzone! With alexis tipton, dallas reid, tia lynn ballard, alex moore. Want anime similar to hangyakusei million arthur. The million arthur smartphone franchise accumulated over 40 . With an overabundance of "worthy" dignitaries, six arthu...